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Privately Placed Tax-Exempt Bonds

Manufacturers, municipalities and 501(c)3 not-for-profit organizations across the country are beginning to discover the speed, simplicity, structure, and savings of privately placed Tax-Exempt Financing through Clayton Holdings1 and Commerce Bank. This type of financing can be used to construct or acquire new buildings, remove or relocate existing structures, purchase or lease new machinery or equipment, and pay for a portion of the fees incurred during the process.

What types of business qualify?

  • Hospitals
  • Private Schools
  • Political subdivisions
  • Charitable organizations
  • Manufacturers of all types and sizes

There are a number of reasons to consider this financing option for your organization:

  • No letter of credit needed and eliminates the need for an official statement
  • Competitive interest rates potentially saving you thousands of dollars
  • Placement fees and legal fees are typically lower than traditional bond transactions
  • No remarketing fees
  • No requirement for a reserve fund to be set aside, reducing the size of overall issuance

Questions? We’re up for the challenge.

Challenge Accepted.(R)

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  1. Clayton Holdings, LLC, is a wholly-owned non-bank subsidiary of Commerce Bank.