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Visa® Liability

The Visa Liability Waiver Program is one of the most valuable core benefits of Visa Commercial and Business cards. It protects clients against losses that are incurred through card use by a terminated employee, and misuse of a/the card by current or terminated employees.

The program covers all transactions including Internet, mail-order/telephone order (MO/TO), and face-to-face transactions whether the eligible employee transactions are on an individual's card, a ghost account or a departmental card.

Merchant Category Code (MCC) Restrictions

Program Administrators can choose to block specific Merchant Category Codes to help control what and where cardholders purchase. These controls can be customized for each individual cardholder if necessary and can be maintained through a simple email request to customer service.

Managing Spend Controls

Commerce Bank's commercial card programs provide spend controls to help manage cardholder activity. The following parameters are available for usage restrictions:

  • Transactions per day
  • Transactions per billing cycle
  • Dollar limit per transaction
  • Dollar limit per day
  • Monthly spending limit

Fraud Prevention Tools

Commerce Bank uses multiple fraud prevention tools to monitor accounts for potential fraud. These tools are able to look for specific types of transactions, including international transactions, cash advances, Internet gaming, card-not-present activity and other activity that matches current fraud trends. Commerce Bank tracks over 25 unique scenarios based on current industry trends and is able to monitor accounts based on cardholder's individual spending habits. Commerce also communicates frequently with Visa and MasterCard to discuss current fraud trends and key industry tracking points.