Online Banking Alerts FAQs
What are Online Banking Alerts?
What kinds of Alerts are available?
How should I use the Alerts tool?
What is a Security Alert?
What is an Account Alert?
How do I set up Online Banking Alerts?
How do I make changes to my Online Banking Alert preferences?
When will I receive my Alert?
Security Alerts will be sent soon after an event occurs that triggers a Security Alert.
Account Alerts are based on the previous business day's posted transactions. One exception is the "Direct deposit received" Alert. If you sign up for the "Direct deposit received" Alert and we receive your direct deposit before 9 p.m. CT, in most instances you will receive your Alert the same day the direct deposit is received.
Can I receive Commerce Bank Alerts via my mobile phone?
How can I change the mobile phone number used for text Alerts?
What mobile phone service providers do you support?
How do I stop receiving text Alerts?
Why don’t I receive my text Alert messages from Commerce Bank after activating text Alerts?
Does Commerce Bank charge a fee for text Alerts?
To send an email that contains confidential information, please visit the Secure Message Center where there are additional instructions about whether to use Secure Email or Online Banking messaging.