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FICO® Score

Now available!
View your FICO® Score for free in Online Banking and the Commerce Bank Mobile App, or on your monthly credit card statement (printed or electronic).

You now have easy access to:

Your FICO® Score

FICO® Scores are a standard in the industry, used in 90% of lending decisions*.

FICO® Knowledge

Learn how your score might impact terms, such as interest rates, in credit offers from lenders.


Learn more about your FICO® Score.

What is a FICO® Score?

The FICO® Score — used in 90% of lending decisions* — summarizes information in your credit report into a score that lenders can use to assess your credit risk.

How is my FICO® Score calculated?

Your FICO® Score takes into consideration five main categories. Understanding your FICO Score

Because you are a Commerce Bank credit cardholder, we provide you with your FICO® Bankcard Score 9 version, which has a range from 250 to 900. A higher number indicates better creditworthiness and is viewed as a more dependable borrower — compared to a lower-numbered score. When considering your likelihood to be a responsible borrower, every lender utilizes their own unique credit-risk standards to evaluate your financial health and degree of reliable payment history.

Where can I view my FICO® Score?

You can view your FICO® Score for free on:

Online Banking
The Commerce Bank Mobile App
Your credit card statement
Your e-statement through Online Banking

Where can I find more information?

Frequently Asked Questions About FICO® Scores[PDF]

Understanding FICO® Scores[PDF]

Can I opt out?

If you do not wish to have your FICO® Score included on your monthly statement, you can request to opt-out from the FICO® Score disclosure program at any time by contacting Commerce Bank at 1 (877) 278-1746 or by mail:

Commerce Bank Bankcard Center
ATTN: FICO® Score Opt-Out KCBC–11
P.O. Box 411036
Kansas City, MO 64179–9640


* Source:

Commerce Bank and Fair Isaac are not credit repair organizations as defined under federal and state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. Commerce Bank and Fair Isaac do not provide "credit repair" services or advice or assistance regarding "rebuilding" or "improving" your credit record, credit history or credit rating.

FICO is a registered trademark of Fair Isaac Corporation in the United States and other countries.

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