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Compare Checking Accounts

Which Commerce checking account is right for me?

Convenience. Control. Protection.

Compare Our Checking Account Options


Commerce Free

Open Commerce Free Checking


Open CommerceInterest Checking


Open CommerceRelationship Checking
Free Online Banking
Free Online Bill Pay
Commerce Bank Mobile App1 footnote 1
Zelle® and External Transfers2 footnote 2
Text and Email Alerts1 footnote 1
Free Standard Checks    
Free Paperless Statements3 footnote 3
Monthly Service Fee $0 $12 $22
Deposit or Minimum Balance Requirement to Waive the Service Fee N/A At least one direct deposit $500 or more OR daily balance of $1,000 in each statement cycle4 footnote 4 $5,000 average daily balance in this account OR $15,000 in combined deposit balances (checking, savings, money market, CD and retail IRA balances)5 footnote 5
Interest Bearing6 footnote 6  
Early Pay
Free Paper Statements7 footnote 7  
Free Mobile Deposit8 footnote 8
Overdraft Grace Period9 footnote 9
Overdraft Services10 footnote 10
Free Commerce ATMs
Free ATMs Nationwide, Plus We'll Refund Other Banks' Fees Up To $10/month11 footnote 11    
Commerce ID Recover12 footnote 12, 13 footnote 13 $5.49/month
Commerce ID Monitor12 footnote 12, 13 footnote 13 $12.99/month

Checking Account Rates* footnote star

Questions about which account is right for you?

Challenge Accepted.®

My Savings Accelerator makes saving simple.

Knowing how to save — or even how much you can save — can be challenging. But with My Savings Accelerator tools like SmartSave and Round Up, you can take control of your strategy, remove the guesswork, and make saving effortless. Best of all, there’s no fee to use SmartSave or Round Up.

Learn more about My Savings Accelerator


*Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) effective: March 23, 2025

There is no minimum balance requirement to earn the APY. Rate(s) may change after account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings on the account.

  1. Message and data usage fees apply; check with your wireless or VoIP provider for more information.
  2. Fees may apply for External Transfers, depending on the speed of the transaction.
  3. Must activate Online Banking and sign up for paperless statements to get free monthly paperless statement.
  4. Minimum Balance to Avoid Service Charges: During the statement cycle you must have at least one direct deposit of $500 or more OR maintain a daily balance of $1,000. Daily balance means the ending ledger balance in the account each day. You must maintain the minimum daily balance every day of the monthly cycle.
  5. Minimum Balance to Avoid Service Charges: $5,000 average daily balance in this account OR $15,000 in combined deposit balances (checking, savings, money market, CD and retail IRA balances.) Average daily balance means the ending ledger balance in the account each day, divided by the number of the days in the month. You must maintain the minimum average daily balance for the monthly cycle. The person listed first on the account must maintain the balances shown. Qualifying deposit accounts include personal checking, savings, money market and CDs. Business accounts do not qualify. Combined balances are determined by using the actual balance on the day prior to the checking account statement cycle date each month.
  6. We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the ending collected balance in the account each day. Interest rate and annual percentage yield may vary. We may change the interest rate at any time at our discretion. Fees could reduce earnings on your account. When your collected balance is greater than $1,000, you may earn a higher rate of interest.
  7. Fee for other statement options waived for the first 60 days after new account opening. This 60-day grace period does not apply to existing or converted accounts. Free paper statements are available with Commerce Free Checking. All available statement types (paper and paperless, with or without images) are free for CommerceRelationship Checking accounts.
  8. Restrictions and limitations apply.
  9. View Overdraft Grace Period for details.
  10. Overdraft Services allow you to minimize the fees and inconvenience caused by unexpected Overdrafts. Choose Overdraft Transfer (from a linked Commerce deposit account) or Check Plus Overdraft Protection (cash advance from a Commerce credit card). There is no charge until the service is used.
  11. Commerce will not charge you for ATM transactions made at non-Commerce ATMs. Other banks’ fees will be refunded up to $10 per calendar month. Transactions must be from your CommerceRelationship checking account.
  12. To be eligible for Commerce ID Recover and Commerce ID Monitor, you must have a Commerce personal checking account, reside in the United States or its territories, and be a legal adult in your state of residence. The Service applies to the Commerce personal checking account holder and the spouse or domestic partner (a person who, although not legally married to the registered Customer, has cohabitated with the Customer for a period of at least one (1) year and is publicly represented as the Customer’s domestic partner in the community in which they reside), dependent children under the age of 21 who live with the Customer and dependent children under the age of 25 who are full-time students, as determined by IRS dependency requirements.
  13. Commerce ID Recover is $5.49 per month; monthly fee is waived for CommercePremier Members. Commerce ID Monitor is $12.99 per month; fee is $6.49 per month for CommercePremier Members.

Deposit Agreement & Disclosures 

To send an email that contains confidential information, please visit the Secure Message Center, where there are additional instructions about whether to use Secure Email or Online Banking messaging.

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