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KC Royals™ Mastercard® Reviews

KC Royals credit card
4.3/5 overall rating
(919 reviews)
Get access to game-day experiences, exclusive ticket discounts and special events – all while earning up to 3X points with the KC Royals™ Mastercard®.
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My favorite card

As credit cards go, my KC Royal's Mastercard is my favorite. I am quite pleased with it.
Gary E
Shawnee, KS
Cardholder since 1995
Ralph C
Des Moines, IA
Cardholder since 2009
Last year we received Royals tickets and parking pass. We had great time at the game.
Clarence W
Kansas City, MO
Cardholder since 2008


Sometimes we need to access our two bank account information; however it seems that the system is not very user friendly when it comes to getting information on very current information
Roberta C
Overland Park, KS
Cardholder since 2002

Interest rates

for as long as I have been your customer., I believe my interest rate is way too high, longevity and loyalty should be taken into consideration.
Randy M
Tecumseh, NE
Cardholder since 1995

Royals credit card

I made the right decision when I applied for this card my experience using it has been great
Willia L
Kansas City, MO
Cardholder since 2019
Sorry, but I do not use the card that often. I have never collected on any points for gifts, etc.
Victoria T
Milligan, NE
Cardholder since 1996

A EXCELLENT credit card

Tracy M
Cole Camp, MO
Cardholder since 1995

Up the credit

Tammy S
Kansas City, MO
Cardholder since 2016
My other cards assign points and I don’t have to do anything to get them. When you offer points I have to enroll. Also I can’t make CC payments on the app.
Ann W
La Vista, NE
Cardholder since 1998


Use of Commerce Bank Credit Cardholder Ratings & Reviews: The credit card ratings and card-specific reviews displayed on were submitted by verified Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (Commerce Bank) credit-card holding customers who voluntarily completed a customer satisfaction survey. The numerical/visual star ratings and corresponding feedback should not be considered or interpreted as the opinions and viewpoints of all Commerce Bank clients and are utilized for information-only and product-enhancement purposes. Ratings and reviews are specific to the credit-card product type displayed. Commerce Bank does not endorse or guarantee review submissions and assumes no liability for actions or decisions based solely on, or a combination of, utilizing these customer ratings and reviews as a definitive point of reference when deciding to apply for a Commerce Bank credit card. Product offerings, benefits and promotional offers may change over time and some submissions might not reflect the most-current offerings.

Prior to publishing all ratings, reviews and recommendations online at, comments and reviews were filtered for profanity; spelling errors are subject to correction. These surveys were sent in August and September 2019 using a 10-point scale, which has been converted to a 5-star scale, where 10-9 points = 5 stars; 8-7 points = 4 stars; 6-5 points = 3 stars; 4-3 points = 2 stars and 1-2 points = 1 star. Overall visual-star ratings adjacent to each credit card are an aggregated average of all ratings received.

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