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KC Royals™ Mastercard® Reviews

KC Royals credit card
4.3/5 overall rating
(919 reviews)
Get access to game-day experiences, exclusive ticket discounts and special events – all while earning up to 3X points with the KC Royals™ Mastercard®.
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Current month statement not received. Called on payment and was charged to make it. Might as well have paidl late charges next month.
Gary S
Fishers, IN
Cardholder since 1995

Royals Mastercard good but could be better.

Would like to have more variety in your reward offerings for the KC Royals baseball team. Currently not enough to choose from and the ones that are shown require too many points. Spread it around on both your Royals offerings and the points required to purchase them.
Richard M
Lenexa, KS
Cardholder since 1995

Satisfied user

I am satisfied with the Royals card. I do wish the points for stuff were a little higher and the redemption was a little more of value. I don't think he redemption points has changed in many years. Maybe 50 thousand points gets you more than 500 dollars cash back. Maybe 750 dollars now. Also maybe have some month promos to increase your points if you use he card a lot.
Cory A
Bennington, NE
Cardholder since 1995
Cynthia T
Leavenworth, KS
Cardholder since 1996

very happy with it

Susan R
Shawnee, KS
Cardholder since 1996

Tried lowering my rate, was turned down, paid card off...not using it

Just not necessary usage if you wont work with me on lowering the interest rate
Jeffrey Z
Little Rock, AR
Cardholder since 1999

all ok

William C
Stilwell, KS
Cardholder since 2000

Trusted and safe for years

I have carried this card for several years now. The very few times I have needed help it has come swiftly and professionally.
Larry P
Ozark, MO
Cardholder since 1997

Security Plus

The security team assisted me in identifying a suspicious supplier, suspending my account, getting me a new card and attempt to get my money back. Well done!
James U
Liberty, MO
Cardholder since 1996

My Commerce Bank card is always there for me

Owen P
Columbus, KS
Cardholder since 1996


Use of Commerce Bank Credit Cardholder Ratings & Reviews: The credit card ratings and card-specific reviews displayed on were submitted by verified Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (Commerce Bank) credit-card holding customers who voluntarily completed a customer satisfaction survey. The numerical/visual star ratings and corresponding feedback should not be considered or interpreted as the opinions and viewpoints of all Commerce Bank clients and are utilized for information-only and product-enhancement purposes. Ratings and reviews are specific to the credit-card product type displayed. Commerce Bank does not endorse or guarantee review submissions and assumes no liability for actions or decisions based solely on, or a combination of, utilizing these customer ratings and reviews as a definitive point of reference when deciding to apply for a Commerce Bank credit card. Product offerings, benefits and promotional offers may change over time and some submissions might not reflect the most-current offerings.

Prior to publishing all ratings, reviews and recommendations online at, comments and reviews were filtered for profanity; spelling errors are subject to correction. These surveys were sent in August and September 2019 using a 10-point scale, which has been converted to a 5-star scale, where 10-9 points = 5 stars; 8-7 points = 4 stars; 6-5 points = 3 stars; 4-3 points = 2 stars and 1-2 points = 1 star. Overall visual-star ratings adjacent to each credit card are an aggregated average of all ratings received.

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