External Transfers FAQs
What are External Transfers?
How much do External Transfers cost?
How much money can I transfer per transaction and per rolling 30-day period?
How do I sign up for External Transfers?
If you’ve not yet signed up, you will then be prompted to do the following:
• Step 1: Read and accept our Terms and Conditions.
• Step 2: Confirm your phone number.
How long does the sign-up process take?
You will be required to verify your accounts that do not reside at Commerce Bank. For most major banks, credit unions and brokerages, if you choose online account verification of individual accounts for which you have Internet access, verification may take less than a minute. For other accounts, as well as those for which you choose trial deposit verification, verification is generally completed in 2-3 business days.
What are the different ways in which I can verify my external accounts?
• Trial Deposit Verification: If you prefer, or if online account verification fails, you will be asked to complete our convenient Trial Deposit Verification process. On receiving your instruction, Commerce Bank will make one or two deposits into the account you are attempting to add. Two to three days later you will be able to confirm the amount of the deposits.
Once you know the amount of the deposits sent to the account you are adding, by either calling your financial institution or from your online account statement, just return to the External Transfers service, go to the "Preferences" page and click on the "Verify" link next to the appropriate account. You will be prompted to enter the amount(s) of the deposit(s). If the amounts entered are correct, your external account will be added to the service. The account status will now show as "Active" on the Preferences page.
Why do I have to verify my external accounts?
Can I make changes to my account portfolio after the initial set-up?
How often will I have to go through the account verification process?
Which accounts are eligible for External Transfers?
At this time, you can add the following non-Commerce Bank accounts to your External Transfers Portfolio:
• Checking accounts and savings accounts held at any commercial bank or credit union nationwide that are able to accept ACH transfers. Contact your institution if you’re not sure.
• Investment accounts held at online brokerage firms. We currently have access to most of the nation’s largest brokerage companies.
Please note that accounts held at Commerce Bank will be auto-enabled for External Transfers. All your other external accounts will require you to complete our simple account ownership verification process.
Which account types are not eligible for External Transfers?
• Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
• Custodial and/or Trust Accounts
• Business Accounts
• Certificate of Deposits (CDs) or other time-based accounts
• Loan Accounts (including credit card and equity accounts)
You may have other accounts that are ineligible for this service due to restrictions specific to your Financial Institution(s). If in doubt, please contact your Financial Institution.
Can I add Third Party bank accounts to External Transfers?
Can I transfer funds into someone else’s account?
Can I set up a funds transfer now to be executed at a future date?
Can I set up a funds transfer as a recurring transaction?
Can I transfer money internationally?
What are Delivery Speeds?
How long does it take to complete a transfer?
Below is the Funds Transfer schedule:
Standard Delivery (3 Business Days) | |
Requested by 12:00 AM CT cutoff time on: Destination account credited on: | |
Monday | Thursday |
Tuesday | Friday |
Wednesday | Monday |
Thursday | Tuesday |
Friday | Wednesday |
Saturday | Wednesday |
Sunday | Wednesday |
Based on the receiving bank’s Availability of Funds scheduled.
Next Day Delivery (Next Business Day) — Must qualify for Next Day Delivery | |
Requested by 7:00 PM CT cutoff time on: Destination account credited on:* | |
Monday | Tuesday |
Tuesday | Wednesday |
Wednesday | Thursday |
Thursday | Friday |
Friday | Monday |
Saturday | Tuesday |
Sunday | Tuesday |
Based on the receiving bank’s Availability of Funds scheduled.
How are third party account transfers in External Transfers different from Popmoney?
If you are a Popmoney user:
• Third-party accounts added in External Transfers are also available in Popmoney.
• Limits for transferring funds to third party account are shared with Popmoney limits.
• Fees for transferring funds to third party accounts are the same as Popmoney fees. Third party account transfers created in External Transfers are shown in External Transfers Activity and third party account transfers created in Popmoney are shown in Popmoney Activity.
Do account transaction limits and/or fees assigned by my financial institution apply to External Transfers?
Why do I have to validate my email address?
How do I validate my additional email address?
† To send an email that contains confidential information, please visit the Secure Message Center where there are additional instructions about whether to use Secure Email or Online Banking messaging.
The information provided on this website is not meant as a recommendation or endorsement of any specific security or strategy. An individual’s situation can vary; therefore the information provided above should be relied upon only when coordinated with individual professional advice.