Pretty Darn Good Credit Card
Credit cards as a rule are both good and not so good - in some cases bad. Bad in that it is fairly easy to get into financial trouble using any credit card. Not so good in that if not properly managed, the finance charges essentially increase the cost of what is paid for, and it can take a long time to pay off. Good in that with discipline and management, there are real benefits. We like the rewards and use it for travel, including rental cars, hotel rooms, and fuel savings. Using a credit card provides some financial protection, because cybercriminals can't hack into your checking and savings through a credit card, like they could through a debit card. And there are limits on what you can be liable to pay if your account gets hacked Having said all that, we only have 3 cards, and Commerce Visa is one of them. We use it in place of the debit card which helps track spending. The interest rates are too high, but that is the case with all credit cards. At least Commerce is competitive. We are able to see the credit card account through our online bank access - one less user name and password to remember.
Steven B
Cedar Hill, MO
Cardholder since 2001